Delivering Growth Capital to Propel Successful Entrepreneurs

Since 2012, the Propel Capital team have been investing in, and assisting, entrepreneurs in scaling their companies from Series A funding right through to IPO.

Our Network

We back outstanding founders through their growth phase and with the power of our investor network we help them build world class companies. We seek to team up with founders by providing leadership and support through their growth funding requirements and subsequent rounds of financing.

Our focus is to look for genuine innovation that creates sustainable and profitable businesses. We know not all businesses are the same - which is why we provide bespoke, long-term funding solutions. We exist because we truly believe we bring a better alternative with our custom-made funding approach to those businesses to help grow and succeed. It’s our DNA.

These are the key areas where we will work with you and your team:

1. Strategy

Help refine and craft a business proposition with an integrated fiscal plan to best attract investment.

2. Investor Ready & Proposal

Work with founders to develop a comprehensive suite of business tools and a compelling investment proposition.

3. Investor Engagement

Provide a platform to target the right investors who are active within your sector.

Our Values

The synonym for propel is to “drive something forward, to provide the motive force”. This is the foundation of everything we do, to which we add our guiding values of:


Providing broad-ranging support in the key areas.


Enjoying working as a team - no ‘egos’


Taking the time to understand the shortcomings in a business and encouraging owners to recognise where change or enhancement may be implemented.

Results Driven

Our clients require capital to deliver their innovative business models. By being fully aligned with their success, we all succeed together.